Tag Archives: Samhia’s Song

Winner Mary Victoria’s give-away!

BONUS – Mary got carried away with your answers. She says:

Now I want to get all the commenters together to make an anti-LOTR film short: one entwife, Eowyn twins, a random orc, an obscure elf and a rider of Rohan who couldn’t stay on his horse. The stuff of epics!

OK, a scenario is forming…

The Entwives leave Fangorn forest, seeking a place to grow plums and apricots in peace, without old man’s beard infesting the lot. They employ the services of a frolicking elf to help them find a likely spot in Middle Earth. On their journeys, they come across a random orc harrying a rider of Rohan who keeps falling off his horse. The Entwives are just preparing to say, “Leave him alone,” and have got to the letter “L” of “leave,” when two identical blonde shieldmaidens ride in and slice the orc to shreds with a resounding battle cry. The Eowyns ride off, supporting the legless son of Rohan between them, the frolicking elf finally stops dancing around the daisies to notice what’s going on and the Entwives roll their eyes in disgust at the hastiness of everyone. The End.


After some agreeable day-dreaming, in which I pictured you all fulfilling your various LOTR roles, I had to go with the vision that made me laugh the most.
Sean the Blogonaut, you win a copy of ‘Samiha’s Song’ for being the Rider of Rohan incapable of staying on the back of a horse. Eomer and his equestrian posse can woo me all they like: I prefer the extra with his feet planted firmly on the ground. 😉
Email Mary on:  treelady9(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks to Rowena for giving me this opportunity to laugh, chat and get to know a bunch of lovely new people!


Filed under Book Giveaway, Fantasy books, Female Fantasy Authors, Fun Stuff