Tag Archives: miniature books


This is the book plate I’m getting made. I plan to sign copies and send them to specialist books stores in Australia. Turns out my publisher, Solaris, has arranged distribution in the UK and the US, but in Australia the bookstore will have to know about the book and want to order it in. So here it is, my book plate!

I did consider getting some of those little books printed, you know the sort — they have the front cover and the first chapter so people can try before they buy,  but when I priced them I couldn’t afford it. I love those miniature books with colour covers. I don’t know why, perhaps because they are a taste of the real book  for free, but I think it is also because they mimic a real book, in miniature.  They hold the same fascination as a doll’s house or miniature railway. Maybe I’ll get ‘taste-test’ books printed next time.

Do you collect signed books? Do you get a thrill from those ‘taste-test’ books?


Filed under Covers, Fun Stuff