Tag Archives: life gets in the way of writing

Writing Vs Real life

It’s Kerbside Clean up next weekend.  That’s when our council tell people to put their big rubbish out on the footpath and they come and take it away. You know how things accumulate, like that microwave that broke down, and the office chair that lost one of its wheels and tips people off at inconvenient times. Well, this is a chance to get rid of these things.

I know I should be sorting through our house, putting things into piles. Things that are rubbish and go in the bin, things that can go out in the Kerbside Cleanup, and things that we will give away to the Salvation Army.

But I would much rather be writing. Up to page 108 of the rewrite of The First T’En. If I’m not careful I could just disappear into it and not surface for a month!

So there’s a battle going on. Do I stop writing and clean up the house, or do I keep writing and hope someone else will do the cleaning for me.  (Like that would ever happen!)

How do you balance life and writing? I walk a tightrope.


Filed under Nourish the Writer, The World in all its Absurdity