Category Archives: The World in all its Absurdity


I tweeted about this, then I thought I better blog so I can tell the whole story. (How can a writer restrict themselves to 140 characters?)

A while ago I put my car in for a service. I think that’s when the spide climbed in. Two days later I was driving my teenage son to school when the son in the front seat said:

‘I hate to tell you this, Mum, but there’s a spider crawling up your arm.’ (Very dry, he is).

I looked down, and sure enough there was a great big huntsman spider at elbow height crawling up my arm. I was doing 100Ks on a back road but I did not swerve madly. I kept my cool and pulled over, even though my heart nearly leapt out of my throat.

As soon as I stopped the car, both my teenage sons jumped out and left me with the spider, which by now was on my shoulder. I unbuckled my seat beat, tore off my shirt and shook it outside the car. (Don’t worry I was wearing a man’s shirt to protect my arms from the sun while I drove). Needless to say, I did not put the shirt back on.

When it was safe, my brave boys climbed back into the car and I finished driving them around.

Two days later, I was driving my daughter to the shops after dark, telling her the story, when she suddenly stopped laughing and pointed to a corner of the front windscreen.

‘What’s that?’

‘I’m not falling for that,’ I told her.

But she wasn’t kidding.  The spider had been in the car for another two days. She was much braver than my teenage sons. She opened the door, while I grabbed the shirt and we put the spider out.

Which just goes to show you that the sterotype of women and spiders is not always accurate.


Filed under The World in all its Absurdity

Weird and Fascinating things …

Okay, I should be preparing for my panels at World SF Con, but I am writing a blog post about Weird and Fascinating things.

I came across this – a Dutch photographer who finds glitches in computer games and turns them into art – in the sense that when you stop and look at them they are fascinating and they seem to say something about the human condition. His name is Robert Overweg.

Here is one of his photos from Grand Theft Auto, where he found a way to slide under the world and look up at it.

Here is an article on him and some of his work. There is a dreamlike quaility to his work. Since I find the world a fascinating place anyway, I love this kind of thing, a segue into surrealism!

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Filed under creativity, Fun Stuff, The World in all its Absurdity

The Long Dark Tunnel …

Or I could describe myself as a a small boat upon a stormy sea.

It is the end of trimester and I am entering the Long Dark Tunnel of Marking … cue dramatic music. I won’t be surfacing until it is all done as well as the Moderation. As we run an accelerated course there is a very short turn around time. So I will be ‘head down’ until I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

Not sure how often I’ll get to blog, as I also have to read the ROR books and write reports before dashing off to our workshop and World Con. All this is good, but a challenge. Just as well I am a mother of six, superwoman!

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Filed under The World in all its Absurdity

What do readers really want?

Over at the ROR blog I did a post asking what male readers really wanted in a book? Feel free to chip in with your comments.  I am really interested.

Which brings me to, what do readers really want to see when they come to a web site like this? I’ve been around looking at other web sites and some authors have an amazing amount of material on their sites.

Maps? I have maps. I’m as obsessive as the next writer.

Character bios? Well, no. But I do have family trees so I can keep track of who everyone is and how they are related.

Interviews with characters as if they are real people? Well, um. No, you see they aren’t real, except within the framework of the book. And then they are completely real. Confusing? Makes perfect sense to me.

Pod casts? I find this interesting and would really like to try it. I’m certain I can fit one more thing in, if I can just learn how to go without sleep.

So, what do readers want to see when they come to this site?


Filed under Characterisation, Readers, The World in all its Absurdity

Couldn’t resist this …

If you go to once a week you’ll find a selection of funny pics from around the web. My pick for this week is a Starwars spoof.

Couldn’t resist. If you want to see all of the Overclockers pics go to this wiki file. Meanwhile, here are a couple more.

This one is from Overclockers, too. And this last one came through at work.

Don’t you love the internet?

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Filed under Fun Stuff, The World in all its Absurdity

Reading as Mental Gymnastics!

Kate over at the Mad Genius Club Shared Blog accused me of being irrepressibly happy (in the nicest possible way). I just can’t help it. Don’t worry, I also have a very black sense of humour. It is how I maintain an even keel.

A scientific study has proven that thinking positive thoughts, eating fruit and veg and reading turn out be the best way to avoide dementia. (See full article here).

They followed 1,433 pensioners for 7 years and studied their habits. And they found:

‘Those with lower reading scores were 18 per cent more likely to develop “mild cognitive impairment or dementia” – the former widely seen as a forerunner of the latter.

Those with depression were 10 per cent more likely to develop it; while those who ate fruit and vegetables less than twice a day were 6.5 per cent more likely to do so.’

So reading was the single factor that contributed towards maintaining mental acuity. There you are. Go out, buy books, keep mentally active. And support writers. I do!


Filed under Fun Stuff, Nourish the Writer, The World in all its Absurdity

The World in all its Absurdity …

The internet is wonderful in that it brings you the world in all its absurdity. There’s this site called, each week they collect bizarre photos. Here are two from this week’s collection.

They must have used magnetic scrabble.

And wouldn’t you know it, the bridge was too low. Typical.

I’m always looking for weird obscure things about people, plants and animals. The world’s a fascinating place.


Filed under Fun Stuff, Nourish the Writer, The World in all its Absurdity

Writing Vs Real life

It’s Kerbside Clean up next weekend.  That’s when our council tell people to put their big rubbish out on the footpath and they come and take it away. You know how things accumulate, like that microwave that broke down, and the office chair that lost one of its wheels and tips people off at inconvenient times. Well, this is a chance to get rid of these things.

I know I should be sorting through our house, putting things into piles. Things that are rubbish and go in the bin, things that can go out in the Kerbside Cleanup, and things that we will give away to the Salvation Army.

But I would much rather be writing. Up to page 108 of the rewrite of The First T’En. If I’m not careful I could just disappear into it and not surface for a month!

So there’s a battle going on. Do I stop writing and clean up the house, or do I keep writing and hope someone else will do the cleaning for me.  (Like that would ever happen!)

How do you balance life and writing? I walk a tightrope.


Filed under Nourish the Writer, The World in all its Absurdity

Currently Watching …

IT Crowd, series 4, can thoroughly recommend it.

Having attended many SF conventions surrounded by people who could have stepped out of the IT Crowd, I feel quite at home watching this show.

Back at Christmas time I had a tooth out (stitches, yuk) , so what did my sons do? They put on the IT Crowd to cheer me up. It hurt to laugh, and I mean really hurt but I couldn’t stop laughing.

I laughed until I cried and had to leave the room, then I came back for more.

Sad, really.

My favourite line?

When Roy is helping Moss learn to deal with the bullies. Roy role plays a bully.

Moss bursts into tears. ‘It’s too real Roy, too real!’

I have days like that. We all do.  What’s your favourite line?

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Filed under Fun Stuff, Genre, Movies & TV Shows, The World in all its Absurdity

I make lists …

If I don’t make lists, I forget things. I forgot to do  guest blog for the Mad Hatter. (Really sorry MH). Will try to do better next time.

I used to remember everything. At least I thought I did.

How would you know that you’d forgotten something, if you’d forgotten it?

Now I have to make lists.

It might have something to do with the fact that I’m an associate lecturer teaching two subjects in an accelerated course (three trimesters over the year instead of two semesters).

It might have something to do with the fact that we are renovating our house at the same time. (Three of our six children have moved out and we’re going to sell and buy something smaller before they can move back home).

It might have something to do with the fact that I just organised a national workshop for RWA and have another one in the planning stage.

Or that I’m trying to write another book by the end of the month to send off to ROR (my writing group).  Then I have to read all their books and write reports on them in time for the World SF Con, which will be held in Melbourne this year. Yay.

And on top of this I can’t wait to get back to the trilogy I’ve just sold to Solaris.

Why do I have to sleep? I could get so much done, if I didn’t have to sleep.

I dream of running away to a monastery (not a religious one, a writing monastery), where I sit at my desk and write, and no one asks me to drive them to work, or take them shopping, or what’s for dinner. Sigh…

Everyone I talk to seems to be running on the spot, to stop from going backwards. Are we all taking on too much?


Filed under Nourish the Writer, The World in all its Absurdity