
I tweeted about this, then I thought I better blog so I can tell the whole story. (How can a writer restrict themselves to 140 characters?)

A while ago I put my car in for a service. I think that’s when the spide climbed in. Two days later I was driving my teenage son to school when the son in the front seat said:

‘I hate to tell you this, Mum, but there’s a spider crawling up your arm.’ (Very dry, he is).

I looked down, and sure enough there was a great big huntsman spider at elbow height crawling up my arm. I was doing 100Ks on a back road but I did not swerve madly. I kept my cool and pulled over, even though my heart nearly leapt out of my throat.

As soon as I stopped the car, both my teenage sons jumped out and left me with the spider, which by now was on my shoulder. I unbuckled my seat beat, tore off my shirt and shook it outside the car. (Don’t worry I was wearing a man’s shirt to protect my arms from the sun while I drove). Needless to say, I did not put the shirt back on.

When it was safe, my brave boys climbed back into the car and I finished driving them around.

Two days later, I was driving my daughter to the shops after dark, telling her the story, when she suddenly stopped laughing and pointed to a corner of the front windscreen.

‘What’s that?’

‘I’m not falling for that,’ I told her.

But she wasn’t kidding.  The spider had been in the car for another two days. She was much braver than my teenage sons. She opened the door, while I grabbed the shirt and we put the spider out.

Which just goes to show you that the sterotype of women and spiders is not always accurate.


Filed under The World in all its Absurdity

10 Responses to Spiders…

  1. Rich

    I would love to read your third book in King Rolens Kin in a kindle version but have not seen one yet. I loved the series so far and am almost finished with the second book.

    I want to write a book of my own and have been working on it for quite a long time. Your novels have really sparked my creative side and I am grateful.

    When do you believe the third book will be available for Kindle?

    I look forward to reading more books from you as I love your style and the easy flow of your books keep them coming.

  2. Hi Rich,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    The third book will be coming out on Kindle around the same time as it is released (which was yesterday).

    If you are a writer you should click through to the Writing Craft links to Ripping Ozzie Reads. My writing group keep adding to this blog with tips for writers.

  3. Pretty sure I would have screamed, screamed, screamed and run for the woods. I hate them and here we only have tiny ones

  4. Blahhhh. I would have pulled over, ripped the shirt off locked it in the car and put a for sale sign on the back window.
    What? Walking is good for you. Fresh air and all that.
    So what if it would have taken 24 hours to get to where you were headed?
    I’m okay with spiders as long as they’re not ON me. Blahhhh.

  5. spider women

    I would have been out the door with the car wile the car is still moving! how did it you react in your head? I won’t any more no more stario types

  6. peggy weekley

    I was just arriving at Bronsen field on PNAS. I looked down and there was a very big brown spider on my chest. Off came the blouse sailors National Guard and all. Iseem to lure spiders and giant big roaches flying around.

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