Doing the Happy Dance!

Drum roll …. the book trailer for my new series ‘The Chronicles of King Rolen’s Kin’.

With thanks to my long suffering husband, Daryl, here it is, the product of months of working on the book trailer at night after a hard day’s work and spending the weekend working, when he could have been snoozing on the couch ‘watching’ the cricket. ( Daryl’s site is here).


When I write a book I create a Resonance folder. There is a specific feel I want for the world, the people and the tone of the story. I collect images, stories about places, photos of people and music which I associate with the story. It helps me to immerse myself in the series. Do readers get the same feel that I get from a series? I don’t know, but with a book trailer we are one step closer.

As writer and publicist Arielle Ford says:

‘there is only so much … you can write about your book before you have saturated your target audience. But in one minute or less you can tap into the visual, auditory and emotional senses of your potential reader with a book trailer.’

Read the rest of her article here.  I don’t know if book trailers sell books, but they are certainly fun to dream up and fun to put together, especially when they capture the feel of the book. I must admit I’ve been to the New Covey Book Trailer Award site and browsed, when I should have been writing. Some book trailers are funny and some are insightful.

What do you think of book trailers? Do they pique your interest in a series?


Filed under Book trailers

3 Responses to Doing the Happy Dance!

  1. Oh what a fantastic book trailer – short, sharp and shiny! Loved it.

  2. King Rolen's Kin

    Thanks Eleni and Erica.

    This is the fun part of writing, as opposed to the angsting over plot twists and endless editing!

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