Fun on Twitter

Those Hip Young Dudes at Solaris Press tweeted: To win a copy of Rowena Cory Daniells’ Outcast Chronicles trilogy, tell your followers what magical power you would like to possess!

I came back with:  Asked Teenage son what magical power he’d like. He wants 2 be able to convince people to do things. (Should be a politician!)

Here are some responses.

@SolarisBooks my magical power would be the ability to split myself into multiple entities; everything gets done, and fast, too!

@Solarisbooks The ability to break things down into their constituent atoms and reassemble them as I saw fit.

@SolarisBooks Would Love and Save count, or is that basically Rewinding Time? Whatever it is, that would be epic :))

@SolarisBooks The ability, at any time and merely by clicking my fingers, to transport myself and my wife instantly to our bedroom. Naked.

@SolarisBooks The power to ensure all that stuff you loved as a kid stayed true when you became an adult. Not just the memories.

@SolarisBooks The ability to answer other people’s questions five seconds before they answer them. Just to see their disbelief.

@SolarisBooks  I’d like the ability to absorb any knowledge and skills instantly.

@Solarisbooks the ability to destroy fifty shades of grey just by sayings its name, thus ending its tyranny.

@solarisbooks the power to grow wings like a dragon and fly

And one smart guy said:

@SolarisBooks asks what magical power I’d like to possess. Well, it’s simple: I just want to HAVE a magical power, doesn’t matter what!! 🙂

Don’t know who the winner was, but I’d like to thank them all for entering!

The magical power I’d like? to be able to download stories straight from my brain without having to spend hours sitting at the keyboard!

Such a nerdy writer thing to say.


Filed under Australian Writers, Fantasy books, Fun Stuff, Nourish the Writer, Readers

8 Responses to Fun on Twitter

  1. My magical power would be to make time go faster so I wouldn’t need to wait so long for the books I’m looking forward to reading to come out. 😉

  2. My magical power would be to have the house cleaned and food cooked perfectly at the click of my fingers.

  3. Bryek

    Mine would be Healing. Just like Reoden. I wonder what the male version of this gift would be… 😉

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